Tuesday 19 March 2013


In almost every industry, there are multiple levels between the very source of a product and the consumer. A product may pass through ten channels before it is even sold once. At every stage, someone is making money.

Up and down the coast of Australia; and surely the rest of the world, there are countless amounts of food establishments, most of them trading without a profit. This in part is due to high labor costs but also because business owners cannot effectively achieve both efficiency and economies of scale (http://m.smh.com.au/entertainment/restaurants-and-bars/restaurants-in-recession-sydney-kitchens-face-harsh-winter-20120702-21cyg.html).

outkitchen would service this struggling hospitality industry, by providing a service that prepares every part of a kitchens food supply, adhering to their strict recipes and quality standards. Through the bulk service to hundreds of restaurant/food outlets, outkitchen would be able to get stock very cheap, utilize labour efficiently and help minimize the floor space needed in restaurants.

The process of outkitchen is as follows:
•restaurant places order
•outkitchen receives order and is entered into the computer system
•qualified chefs start preparing the orders
•the fully prepared food is delivered to the restaurant and the invoice is then administered

By locating the commercial kitchen in an industrial area, you can utilize larger spaces with less cost. Restaurant and customers of outkitchen would see costs plummet and have flow on savings throughout their operation.

*part two (outkitchen hire) coming soon

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